[admin] Automated Monthly Reminder
Tim Ellison
2011-06-01 00:00:03 UTC
This is a monthly automated mailing to the Apache Harmony dev list.

The Apache Harmony project welcomes the participation and input of
anyone interested in open source Java platform, the goal of our project.
For more information about the Apache Harmony project, please see the
project website.


The terms of use for the Harmony mail lists can be found here :


and they are

This forum has been created for public communication about
projects of The Apache Software Foundation (the "Foundation"),
a Delaware nonprofit corporation classified as a public charity
under 501(c)(3). All communication intentionally submitted to
the Foundation on this forum is considered a Contribution to the
Foundation unless otherwise noted in the communication. The terms
and conditions that apply to your Contributions are defined by
either a contributor license agreement (CLA) signed by you and/or
your employer or, if no such CLA is on file at the Foundation,
by the terms and conditions of Contributions as defined by the
Apache License, Version 2.0.

Note :

* If you do not wish your post to be a Contribution, we would
prefer that you do not post it. However, in the event that
you do, please mark as "NOT A CONTRIBUTION" at the top of
the posting.

* Do not post any code that is not your original work, or code
that you do not have clear authorization to contribute.

* Do not engage in detailed discussion of any implementation
that you have been exposed to unless such implementation is
your own implementation or available to everyone under an
open source license compatible with the Apache License, Version 2.

* Under no circumstances will any committer accept code for
inclusion in our SVN repository contributed on the mailing
list unless it is from an Authorized Contributor, as defined here:


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask on the
dev list.

If there are any questions that are of a private or sensitive nature,
please send them to

